Human Resource Podcast for Businesses
Blog Entries - 2023
Protections For Pregnancy
In this episode Pandy reviews the federal and state programs in place to protect pregnant workers. Some familiar and some new, employers now have multiple government agencies and laws protecting employee conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions.

Secure Act 2 Part 2
Todd Ywait, Retirement Advisor with Rosselot Financial Group returns to continue explaining the new guidance for retirement plans. Part 2 of this 2 part series shares an additional 5 of the top 10 things employees and employers alike should be aware of in regards to their 401K and IRA plans and what each of us should be doing to assure we are in compliance with these changes.
Secure Act 2 Part 1
Todd Ywait, Retirement Advisor with Rosselot Financial Group joins Pandy to explain the new guidance for retirement plans. Part 1 of this 2 part series shares 5 of the top 10 things employees and employers alike should be aware of in regards to their 401K and IRA plans and what each of us should be doing to assure we are in compliance with these changes.

The Harassment Complaint Process
Does your leadership know they're accountable for harassment if it exists in the workplace? Do they know what to do if a complaint is filed? Do they know the consequences? Pandy pushes you to think through your harassment policy and process by asking questions you need to have answers for. Take these suggestions and push your management teams for solid answers. Don't wait until it's too late.
What Do You Worry About In HR
What's keeping you awake at night? In this episode Pandy shares the top topics discovered in a recent survey of HR professionals when asked "How worried are you about HR issues?" Compare your list with the findings of HR 4Sight and the feedback of companies just like yours.
That Sounds Oversensitive
Scott Warrick joins Pandy in a discussion regarding oversensitivity in the workplace. How many complaints do you get that seem personal and only something this person would be offended by? How do you handle conversations involving overly sensitive people? They're in the workplace and they want to be heard. Scott brings his vast knowledge as a Labor Law Attorney complimented by his expertise with mental illness in the workplace to share ideas and recommendations for HR professionals dealing with these issues.